Test Product

A fresh blend of Scottish wild flowers with a citrus twist

Grassland covers a third of Scotland and feeds our cattle and sheep as well as much of our wildlife – think of badgers foraging for worms, bumblebees collecting pollen, lapwing nesting in open fields, predatory beetles hunting smaller insects, crane’s-bill and pignut flowering on a grassy road verge.

All of these wonders of nature have been captured in the fragrant spring like perfume of our Lowland Meadow McKelvie Scented Wax Melts. Melt it and sit back and enjoy the glorious smell of nature right in your own room.


Grandad McKelvie’s Marvellous Wax Melts truly are a treat! Giving you market leading fragrance times of up to 40 hours from each melt cube when used in an electric wax warmer, helping to enhance the atmospheric fragrance more than competitors.

  • Up to 40 hours of fragrance from each cube
  • Packed in cartons of 6 melts of approx 22g each
  • Pack size approx 14cm x 9cm
  • Each cube size approx 3.5cm x 3.5cm x 2.5cm
  • Approx pack weight 120g
  • Re-sealable packaging
  • Follow supplied care instructions to maximise your fragrant enjoyment
Gift Card Amount

£10, £25, £50, £100, Other amount


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